007 The Importance of Your Thought Process in Chess โ NM Dan Heisman
Mar 01, 2022
Are you studying chess like crazy but not improving?
Even if you relentlessly pore over tactics, openings, strategy, etc…
You may be missing a critical component to your potential chess improvement:
A well-developed thought process.
Sure, this topic may lack the allure of studying the Sicilian Dragon or becoming a tactical wizard who shreds your opponents in minutes.
But as my guest, NM Dan Heisman, says, “Chess is a thinking game.”
So, you must - at some point - focus on your thought process, or you’ll limit your development as a chess player.
Dan is the ultimate coach for adult improvers and I couldn’t be more thrilled to have him on the show.
He’s written over a dozen chess books, has a popular YouTube channel with over 200 videos, and is well-recognized in the chess world as one of the premier coaches for amateurs.
Here, you’ll learn:
- The most common mistakes players under 1500 USCF make in their thought process - and how to fix them.
- 2 questions to almost always ask when it’s your move and you’re out of book.
- How do you choose among different candidate moves?
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Resources Referenced In This Episode
- BOOK: A Guide to Chess Improvement - Dan Heisman
- BOOK: The Improving Chess Thinker - Dan Heisman
- VIDEO: Thought Process Playlist - Dan Heisman
- VIDEO: Basic Material Playlist - Dan Heisman
- ARTICLES: Dan Heisman’s Article Library on Chess.com
More Resources From Dan Heisman